Senior UX Designer @ Critical Mass

U.S. Army Site Redesign




Most people associate the U.S. Army with paychecks, patriotism, and guns, but it's much more. The Army offers a wide range of opportunities, from Active Duty to the Reserves and National Guard, enabling individuals to improve their own lives while positively impacting millions.

Business Goal

The U.S. Army faces a recruitment crisis due to misconceptions. Our goal is to create a user experience that highlights the diverse opportunities the Army offers, shifting perceptions and attracting recruits who see it as a path to personal and professional growth.

Design Challenges

The Army tasked us with redesigning its website to appeal to today’s youth. The site must present the Army as a place of opportunity and purpose, showcasing career options and benefits in a way that inspires and engages future recruits.



Senior UX Designer


11 Months




Key pillars we worked towards

For this project, we focused on four key pillars to ensure a successful site launch. This involved close collaboration with our client, the Army Enterprise Marketing Office (AEMO), coordination across OPMG agencies, conducting over 30 UX research tests with 360 participants, and developing a brand-new design system from the ground up.


Defining User Pain points: 

  • Constant unprecedented times: Today's youth are navigating a world of continuous uncertainty, from global crises to rapid technological changes, which affects their sense of stability and future planning.

  • Unequal & shaky economy: Many young people are facing an unpredictable job market and widening economic inequality, making financial security seem harder to achieve.

  • Distrust in traditional education: There’s growing skepticism toward traditional education systems, as many feel they don’t adequately prepare them for real-world success or provide a good return on investment.

  • Seeking alternative opportunities: In response, youth are increasingly exploring non-traditional career paths, entrepreneurship, and self-driven learning to carve out new opportunities.


Design Opportunities: 

  • Purpose: The U.S. Army provides a unique opportunity for individuals to find a sense of purpose by contributing to something larger than themselves, protecting the nation and serving its citizens.

  • Passion: With a wide range of career paths, the Army allows individuals to pursue their passions, whether it's in technology, healthcare, engineering, or leadership, all while making a meaningful impact.

  • Connection: Joining the Army fosters deep connections with fellow soldiers, building strong bonds through shared experiences, challenges, and the commitment to a common mission.

  • Community: The Army creates a tight-knit community where individuals support each other, creating a lifelong network of camaraderie and shared values, both during service and beyond.



Aligning with the U.S. Army’s Brand and Identity

The U.S. Army brand identity is grounded in simple, durable, no-nonsense design principles that help to ensure it is executed with discipline, consistency, and excellence.


Branding & Design System



High fidelity Design

The site is built to make the possible feel tangible—demonstrating an achievably bright future in the U.S. Army with experiences that excite, empower, and inspire action.


Primary Navigation

After users expressed confusion about the notification icon indicating a saved job, we recommended testing an updated "save job" experience in the next usability round. The results were overwhelmingly positive, leading to its successful implementation in the final design.

Get In Touch Hub

Users responded positively to the Get in Touch hub during all three rounds of usability testing. Offering three ways to contact a recruiter satisfied our target audience, which included prospects and influencers.


Success Metrics after Launch


Increase in EBRCs

Clearer, more compelling calls to action lead to a higher number of completed Enlisted Basic Recruiting Contracts.

Increase in interactions with key content

Enhanced user experience and relevant, engaging content significantly drive more interaction and deeper exploration.


Increase in HVAs

Effective design and navigation boost High-Value Actions, such as signing up for more information or starting the application process.

Increase in engaged visits

A more intuitive and dynamic site keeps users engaged longer, leading to higher quality interactions and repeat visits.