Senior UX Designer @ Critical Mass

Army Career Match


Army Career Match & All Job Experience

Redesign Job board & Personalized quiz experience




On the U.S. Army account, I played a key role in the complete site redesign and helped develop internal tools, including personalized quizzes and dashboard experiences like the Career Match Quiz and All Jobs. These tools simplify the job search process, guiding users to discover Army roles aligned with their skills and interests.

Business Goal

The U.S. Army aims to streamline its recruitment process by offering an engaging and personalized digital experience that guides potential recruits through discovering Army roles tailored to their skills and interests. The goal is to redesign the website and develop tools that simplify the job search process, ultimately increasing recruitment efficiency and satisfaction.

Design Challenges:

Personalization at Scale: Designing personalized tools like the Career Match Quiz that cater to a wide range of users with diverse skills and interests, ensuring relevance and accuracy in recommendations.

Simplifying Complex Processes: Creating an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface for tools like job search dashboards, while presenting detailed and complex information in a digestible format.

Engagement & User Retention: Designing a user experience that keeps potential recruits engaged, from the quiz-taking process to exploring job matches, while fostering a sense of connection to their potential career path in the Army.

Data-Driven Design: Incorporating feedback and data from users to refine the quiz and dashboard tools, ensuring they continuously meet user needs and Army recruitment goals.

Balancing Army Branding with Usability: Maintaining the integrity of the Army’s brand and mission while ensuring the design is modern, user-friendly, and accessible to a broad audience.



Senior UX Designer


10 Months


Critical Mass


Quiz Experience

All Jobs Experience



User Wireframe Flow

Quiz Questions

All Jobs / Quiz Results Experience

MOS Detail Page


Landing Page


Quiz Experience


All Jobs

What WorkEd

  • Bookmark icons remained understandable / met expectations

  • Noticed token when saving a job

  • Understood they could access saved job(s) by clicking bookmark icon in top nav


  • Delight that bookmark and email ebrc are attached

"it's helping you take the first step!"

Recommended update

  • Add bookmark to global nav

  • Saved job bookmark opens eBRC in the GIT

A/B testing opportunities and optimization

  • Explore pre-chat form optimizations

    • Include saved jobs within chat and call


MOS Detailed Pages


What Worked

  • Content is straightforward and helpful

  • Understood click interaction to navigate between job cards


What Didn’t work

  • Assumed FAQ was the end of page and stopped scrolling


  • No immediate retest


  • Move FAQ to bottom of page